Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sometimes you can't think of a title.

This is quite a silly post, I suppose - which I am mainly doing since I didn't want to wait too long until next time I update. Now, I don't really believe in just writing anything just to update your blog, as then I think it's better not to do it at all... But, I do have some bits and pieces to say.

First of all, thanks everyone for all the encouraging comments in the previous post. I feel a little better now. I'm adjusting to not having him around anymore, and I suppose December isn't really that far away, when you think about it.

Secondly, I got a new computer yesterday (which is the main reason why I didn't update much this week), a macbook, and although it was very expensive, I love it. I just figured I'd go on a super strict food, clothes and other expenses budget for a few months. I'm not quite sure if the clothes part will be as successful as I plan for it to be, but I'll at least try to limit myself quite severely. 


I was tagged with this sweet 'I love your blog' award  by Raquel from So Trendy
Thanks a lot! I now have to tag seven fellow bloggers, according to the rules, and they are: 

Marisa of Thumbelina
Mandy of Soir de Fete
Sophie of Porcupineology
Hannah-Zoë of Butterfly Kisses
Amber of History Books
Lavender of Lavender and Yolk
and Becca Janie of Along the Shore

To finish off, I thought I'd post some cute pictures of my dog, Tassus. Most of them are a few months old.

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