I'm working a lot these days trying to save up money as I'm going to be in southern Sweden for two months doing some work experience at a school in a few weeks from now, and I don't know what kind of possibilities I'd have there earning any money. As well as that, I'm still not done moving, which is why I'm sort of neglecting my blog these days, it seems.
Nevertheless, this morning, I had a few moments to spare in H&M, and I discovered two pretty tops that were just too lovely to pass up.
This cherry one,

and this romantic, pastel blue one:

What's more, I was tagged by the wonderful
Princess Daisy, to post the fourth picture from the fourth folder on my computer... and, lo and behold, it's a picture of me and my sister from the early 90's playing dress up. I suppose it's quite obvious that I was the 'evil' older sister making my little sister wear panties on her head...

It didn't say how many people I was supposed to tag, so I'm just going to tag a few.
Katie of
Cherry Humbug, Kate and Natalia of
Dragonfly in Yantar and Demi of
Fashionably Early