First of all I apologize for the lack of updates lately. When I have a lot to do (university assignment), I find it really difficult to concentrate on other things and end up neglecting them - and I suppose that's what I've been doing. I'm still not done for now, but I'll try to squeeze in a few more updates.
Nevertheless, I got a new bag. I talked about this bag (and some in other colours a few posts ago), which reminds me of an old school bag, and I decided to get one. I am really pleased with it as it fits my laptop and other things perfectly. I just wish it looked a bit 'older' somehow, but perhaps it's possible to customize it a little. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do that?
While trying to work hard (I'm unfortunately very bad at concentrating) on my assignment this weekend I started browsing Australian ebay for vintage clothing, and I discovered that so many pretty vintage clothes are sold there - especially dresses. Just thought I'd share that if anyone is interested.
Finally, I was tagged by the inspirational
The Valentine Journals to write the first and only word I can think of to the following questions;
Where is your mobile phone? Table.
Where is your significant other? Israel.
Your hair colour? Blonde.
Your mother? Mother.
Your father: Father.
Your favourite thing? Travelling.
Your dream last night? Horrible.
Your dream goal? -
The room your in? Living room.
Your hobby? Films.
Your fear? Pigeons.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Stockholm.
Where were you last night? Working.
What you're not? Energetic.
One of your wish-list items? DSLR
Where you grew up? Tromsø.
The last thing you did? Flossed.
What are you wearing? Clothes.
Your TV? Old.
Your pets? Here.
Your computer? Macbook.
Your mood? Restless.
Missing someone? Yes.
Your car? None.
Something you're not wearing? Jewellery.
Favourite shop? Topshop.
Your summer? Nice.
Love someone? Yes.
Your favourite colour? Green.
When is the last time you laughed? Today.
When is the last time you cried? Weeks.
This tag didn't say to tag anyone so I am tagging anyone who wants to do this!